What is Sprint Planning?

Sprint Planning

What is Sprint Planning?

Sprint Planning occurs when a team gets together to determine what needs to happen in the forthcoming Sprint, a maximum of 30 days.

What is the goal of Sprint Planning?

To outline a monthly plan for getting work done over an entire Sprint. Sprints can be shorter, but they are no longer than 30 days. Who creates or oversees Sprint Planning? The entire Scrum Team creates Sprint Planning once per Sprint, usually once per month.

What happens during Sprint Planning?

The Product Owner, who is accountable for maximizing the product for customers, makes sure all attendees are ready to discuss the plan for the upcoming Sprint. The most important agenda item is the backlog items that have yet to get done and how they relate to the current product goal. The Scrum Team may also invite others outside of the team to provide advice, guidance, and resources on how to Sprint Planning can achieve the team’s goals. The Scrum Team outlines what work needs to happen during the upcoming Sprint.

How long does Sprint Planning last?

For a 30-day Sprint, Sprint Planning lasts no more than eight hours. For shorter Sprints, Sprint Planning should be quicker. If your Sprints last for two weeks, then Sprint Planning should be no more than four hours. This is called timeboxing in the Scrum Framework.

Why is Sprint Planning valuable to the Scrum Team?

An individual Product Owner proposes how a product could increase the value and utility of the finished product during the current Sprint. The entire Scrum Team sees what Product Improvements need to happen, and then everyone on the team collaborates to define a Sprint goal to accomplish in 30 days or less. Sprint planning allows the team to explain why this goal is valuable for stakeholders in the project. By the end of Sprint Planning, the team finalizes the Sprint Goal. After that, every team member starts accomplishing the plan on a task-by-task basis.

What should people focus on during Sprint Planning?

The Scrum Team must focus on the end goal of the Sprint. The details of how to get there are up to each individual. Sprint Planning is about how the team gets from point A to point B, not how individuals need to work on various tasks 40 hours a week. The individuals on the Scrum team should already know what tasks they are capable of, how long they should take, and what they need to do daily.

How do Scrum teams stay on task following Sprint Planning?

Daily Scrum, also called stand-upssthat last no more than 15 minutes, keep the entire Scrum Team on task by listening to roadblocks to success and determining what needs to happen to move a project forward.

Who can help my team with Scrum planning?

IT Management & Consulting International, Certified Scrum Masters, can help your software company adapt and adjust to the Agile framework, including Scrum planning.

IT Management & Consulting

IT Management & Consulting's mission is to help businesses and organizations improve productivity through Agile and Scrum.

We have previously worked with a range of renowned companies, including Goldman Sachs, H&M Group, and Cabonline. Over the past seven years, we have helped clients reduce developing costs by up to 25% and improve on-time delivery by up to 40%.

We are always open to working with companies in Stockholm and remote who want to increase their productivity.

Contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.


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